Massage and the Benefits
Let us think of your body as a machine. It needs fuel to power it; it needs rest so as not to wear out the parts and with the newer models, to be recharged. You send your car to the mechanic for maintenance and once in a while even repairs!
If you do regular “maintenance” on your automobile – it keeps it running smoothly, parts don’t wear out and the “wear and tear” is substantially minimised than if you were to run your car to the ground, don’t oil it or pump up the tyres.
Our body is a machine of sorts. Parts seize up. We become “tired” (not tyred!). If our bodies are not looked after and “fixed” we man eventually need to “trade” in parts.
Well, we can’t just go and buy a new model. So I’m feeling that an ideal solution is to care for and regularly “tune up” the bodies we have.
When we are feeling flexible in our body and have ease of movement, we are not in pain or discomfort. This enables our mind to be more free. Think about it, when you are in pain or discomfort what else do you think about? Or, how much does this distract you from what you are “meant” to be doing?
It is proven that massage firstly releases knots in our muscles. These knots (myofascial pain), occur when muscles tense or tighten. This creates pain and tightness. If left untreated, can create shortening of some muscles and overstretching of others. This can lead to bad posture etc, which creates more pain!
Massage can release the “knots” and allow the blood to flow through and the nerves to “let go” and relax. Not to mention, relaxation for the whole of the body.
Regular Massage also stimulates the lymphatic system, which will assist with elimination of waste from our bodies and stop stagnation of that system. It stimulates our endocrine system, our nervous system. S l o w I n g u s d o w n. This has a flow on affect for looking after our immunity. (Because we are not stressing and wearing out all body systems!).
How many of us are busy and stressed? We hold ourselves tight, constricting our muscles, holding our jaws, our shoulders are up and let’s face it, our fists and bum cheeks are often clenched!
Now there are other ways to help let go of the stress ... and when our bodies have become tight, with headaches, sore shoulders, pains on our neck, back and glutes, we need to have help to alleviate these.
Of course, this is where a massage comes in. Sometimes you may need a really strong massage to release those extra tight muscles. Other times, a more flowing, relaxing style is required. If there is some emotion attached you may need some extra nurturing rather than a structural treatment. If you are not sure what you need, chat to the therapist, we can help to discover what it is that would work best for you.
Now ... I need a massage ... Let’s book me in!