

Reiki is a practice of Universal Energy Healing.  I will impart some of the history for you in a moment. 

Firstly let me explain how Reiki helps me in my day-to-day life.   Life for most of us at this time of the world my life is fairly hectic and busy.  Of course, I am leaning to support that with putting in structure and organisation (finally!).  

The areas I work and have worked in are roles where I give of myself.  I know I’m not alone in this; we all do this in our work roles and family life.  The sales roles I find are tougher as the need to be “up” is constant.  Quite often I feel extremely drained and with less focus.  I can’t sit still etc.  Now, I do realise that this is part of my make up ... yet this is very depleting to my fundamental place of being.

I am a Reiki Master.  As such I am able to (and do) attend Reiki Share Groups, where we each have the opportunity to give and receive Reiki once a week.  Also I run a Reiki Share Group once a month.  If I miss these treatments, I (and others) notice how unsettled I can become.   I feel more scattered, don’t focus, so very tired, anxious and or course, I then allow so many things to stress me out!

Reiki gives you the chance to receive for you... time and energy ... for YOU.   No need to give/ do/ be anything for anyone. You can stop.  There is no judgment, nor expectation on or from you.  Whatever you receive is yours. Often the Recipient will see colours, feel heat or coolness from the Practitioner’s hands.  Usually, they drop into mediative state where healing can occur. Thus, it can calm the endocrine system, which can help reduce anxiety, stress levels, tension etc.

Level I Reiki is about “Self Healing”.  I give myself Reiki every night to help me sleep.  Calming down, particularly after a busy day.

As a Reiki Practitioner I sense things, particular feel things.  The energy will go where the Recipient needs and often I am drawn to areas to direct the energy.  Every session is different, as every client/person has a different need at that particularly moment in time. 

The person receiving the Reiki actually draws it through the practitioner.  Being a Universal Energy it is taking from Source, the practitioner is a conduit.  Practitioners of Reiki have been attuned for the Energy to flow more directly though. 

The energy goes where it is needed.  The practitioner can direct to a physical place.  What happens is the Reiki energy moves stagnant energy and blocks.  Each Chakra has a different meaning associated with it.  As such we can ‘feel” what could be going on for the person.

The “healing” can enable you to feel physically better, emotionally relaxed and mentally calm.  Also, it can assist in giving you the peace of mind to deal with whatever you’re going through.  

If you wanted to test it out, you could always have a massage and Reiki combination. 

Basic History 

Essentially Master Usui discovered the Reiki symbols in the early 1920s. He was born in Japan in 1865. He traveled to America, Europe and China to study (theology being one) and try and find the answers to his questions on healing. Particularly the “laying of hands”. He searched for many years and his search took him to seek out the Tibetan Buddhists.He continued study, then after a 21 day fast and mediation the Reiki Symbols came to him. He assisted in healing many people and has passed this learning on to continue to be available for the well-being of all.

