Massage is a necessity!
Many people seem to think that massage is a luxury. Yet massage is actually an extremely beneficial health and wellbeing tool. Stress seems to be the cause of most illnesses and at a time when life is driven to be busy, to even be seen as being busy. Everyone juggling jobs, kids (sports, extracurricular activities), pets, homes, businesses ... so so much “TO DO”. Our physical bodies hold this stress and tension, creating tight muscles, restricted breathing, which contributes to our chest/stomach and shoulders curling in and tightening. Computer and mobile phone usage give us terrible posture! Just to name a few.
Massage stimulates your circulatory, nervous and endocrine systems for energy, growth and repair. Not to mention helping to release the knots in your muscles.
Different styles can put you into a mediative state of being so that your mind can rest as well as your body! Please look after you and your loved ones. We all need time out. Book in (regularly if you are able) for a beautiful treatment for your whole wellbeing. Call Mandi 0438 010 359